
Your programmed preventative maintenance services (PPM) need to meet regulatory requirements for Essential Safety Measures – are you compliant, what is your level of risk?

THE PROBLEM: It is vitally important for all building owners, managers, and operators to be compliant with their regulatory obligations regarding the maintenance of the essential safety measures in their buildings. Your organisation also needs to be able to achieve its facility management goals and objectives, including quality services, value for money, environmental sustainability, safety, health and wellbeing, and the optimisation of performance and asset lifecycle.

OUR SOLUTION: Our complete building and facility management services include:

  • Regulatory Compliance/Essential Safety Measures
  • Work Order Management
  • Contractor Management
  • Asset Lifecycle Solution
  • Auditing Services (Asset, Condition, Compliance)

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Does your approach to maintenance management align with industry best practice and regulatory compliance?


  • Improved satisfaction – staff, clients, customers
  • Optimised operating costs over the life of an asset
  • Ensure full compliance with regulations
  • Improved building performance

Our holistic maintenance management solution enables you to achieve your facility management goals; such as improved quality, greater value for money, social and environmental responsibility, and peace of mind resultant from third party certification for regulatory compliance.

Essential Safety Measures (ESM) are the fire, life safety, and health items installed or constructed in a building to ensure adequate levels of fire safety and protection from other health risks over the life of the building – are your compliant with all relevant regulations?


  • Passive and active fire inspections, and means of egress inspections
  • Safety measures logbooks
  • Development of ESM manuals
  • Provision of the Annual Essential Safety Measures Reports (AESMR)
  • Annual witness testing (integrated fire services)
  • Ensure full compliance with regulations and safeguard the occupants of your facilities
  • Avoid serious legal and financial penalties
  • Improved building performance

How do you measure and manage your compliance with ESM regulations, including work orders for the rectification of defects?

You need to be able to create, track, and effectively manage your work orders.


  • Ensure all work orders are completed on time and budget
  • Streamline workflow – quoting, approval, work orders
  • End-to-end process covering all stages through to financial completion
  • Ensure your maintenance obligations are met in timely and cost-effective manner
  • Each work order is progressed in accordance with agreed Priorities/SLAs
  • Stakeholders are kept up to date via status reports and automated notifications

Do you have procedures in place to safeguard contactors undertaking works, and to protect building occupants, assets and systems?


  • More control over access and security
  • Onboarding/Training (police checks, insurance, software, equipment)
  • Adherence to Health & Safety (e.g. SWMSs, permit to work)
  • Governance, invoicing/administration
  • Ensures that clients are charged based upon "actual" time on site

You need to be able to accurately track and plan asset lifecycle and capital replacement costs to enable more informed management decisions.


  • A whole of life system to track all aspects of an asset, including acquisition, operation and maintenance, lifecycle refurbishment and replacement
  • A range of lifecycle plans, including 1, 5, 10 years plans
  • Visibility of all current and future expenditure and forecasts
  • Ability to optimise asset and building performance
  • Enables more informed management decisions and strategic policy choices
  • Improved efficiencies and ongoing improvements

You cannot manage and maintain assets and equipment without an accurate understanding of what was installed, when, and where.


  • Asset Audits – the development of accurate Asset Registers (asset name, asset type, asset system, location, installation date, maintenance policy, etc.)
  • Condition Audits – Identifying condition, defects, priority, rectification, and costing, including the development of rectification strategies and capital works plans
  • Essential Safety Measures (ESM) Audits – performed by building assessors and experienced auditors to determine non-compliances, defects, and rectification
  • Improve performance, application of whole of life planning – risk/capital works